November 2023 – Site Update

As Salaamu Alaikum Ma 🙂

Figured I might as well use this section here to provide better feedback on my end, with what’s been changed and added to this site.

  • The Salat Page is now “active”. There you’ll find the ‘Salat, Part 1’ video. However, due to file size limitations with my hosting account and the video being a tad bit large, I had to use the YouTube video link instead. This just means to be mindful of where you click once the video is playing (ex: if you click near where it says “Watch on YouTube” by accident, it will take you away from here and bring you to YouTube to watch it…friendly reminder from your son, 🙂 )

As we continue in our lessons, I’ll update them in this “Blog” section, so this way you also have other references to go back.

Please don’t be afraid to tell me if/when the site looks to be a bit much, or “information/reference overload”. I’m here to help. You’ll also find some video lectures that Baba used to play in the car. You’ll recognize the Shaykh’s Massachusetts accent, lol :).

That’s it for now. Didn’t want to put a bunch of stuff here since we already talked about it on the phone, and “info overload”.

Till next time my Dear Mother,

I Love You

As Salaamu Alaikum




~ Das

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