Fāṭima bint Muhammad
Fāṭima bint Muhammad, often referred to simply as Fatima, is a highly respected figure in Islam. She was the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his first wife, Khadija. Fatima is revered for her piety, wisdom, and deep devotion to Allah and her father. She is regarded as a role model for Muslim women and is one of the four greatest women in Islamic tradition.
Beloved Daughter of Prophet Muhammad: Fatima was the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad and was deeply loved and cherished by him. He often referred to her as “az-Zahra” which means “the shining one”.
Mother of Prophet’s Grandchildren: Fatima is the mother of Prophet Muhammad’s grandsons, Hasan and Husayn, who played significant roles in early Islamic history.
Wife of Ali: Fatima was married to Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Prophet’s cousin, and one of the earliest converts to Islam. Ali is also the fourth caliph of Islam and the first Imam in Shia Islam.
Role Model of Piety and Charity: Fatima was known for her deep spirituality and generosity. Despite living in poverty, she regularly gave whatever she had to those in need.
Participant in Important Events: Fatima was also present during significant events in Islamic history, such as the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.
Her Patience and Endurance: Fatima demonstrated remarkable patience and endurance in the face of hardship and tragedy, particularly after the death of her father and the struggles faced by her husband Ali.
Title: She was given the title of “az-Zahra” (the shining one) and is often referred to as Fatima Zahra.
Death: Fatima passed away at a young age, just six months after the death of her father, Prophet Muhammad.
Legacy: Fatima’s life continues to be a source of inspiration for Muslims around the world. Her piety, generosity, and patience in the face of hardship embody the essence of Islamic virtues.